Thursday, December 17

I'm Back Bitches

So many times in the last few weeks I have thought about resuming my blog. Save a few posts, I have contributed nothing to it this year. I would like to see myself be here more in 2010. I also have some goals to achieve in the next year and I think making a connection to blogging again might help me work toward them.
So, since October I have...

won a Halloween costume contest

turned 40 (and had a fun party)

made fascinators

and worked a lot.

I am looking forward to Christmas. My tree is trimmed and the presents are wrapped.

And, I love this girl.

She doesn't know how wonderful she is (yet).


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

YAY! Merry Christmas + I'll see ya in a week(end)

hezza said...

I'm excited!